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Last payout: 25.05.2016 SCAM
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10.0 / 12 votes
Our Investment
478 days
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Payout Ratio
On monitoring
44 days

Invest plan: 4% - 12% daily
RCB 90%

Referal program: 7%

Nano Technologies Investments (NANO-11 LTD) is an investment-scientific group that has been working on capital placement in business processes with high financial yield since 2011. The priority of the company are business processes that are formed based on innovation. The unique resource of the company is a scientific council that is made up of scientists who are working on expert evaluation of analytical reports prepared by specialists of our company. Evaluating the data from the point of view of the prospects of development and capabilities of the innovative component we are organizing a deal with the conditions at which we will have a way to get out of the deal. The uniqueness of the company is a flexible system of capital placement according to one of three innovative programs. Having such programs became possible due to connecting a wide spectrum of tools that are working after choosing projects for investing and that continuously bring profits to our online clients. You can invest using virtual payment systems immediately in any of three investment packages and receive profits the next day. New projects are already waiting for capital, and you can become the new investor of Nano Technologies Investments.

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