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Last scams

Last payout: 26.05.2016 SCAM
IneTrust screenshot
  • SSL
  • DDOS

10.0 / 11 votes
Our Investment
38 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
23 days

Invest plan: 1% day on 365 (10$ - 499$ )
1.8% day on 365 (500$ - 1000$)
2.5% day on 365 (1001$ - 3500$)

Referal program: 7-6-5-4-3%

Video INETRUST is a unique service that is engaged in investing in the development of extensions (components, modules and plug-ins) for the open-source CMS (Joomla, WordPress, Opencart, Drupal and the MODX) with a view to profit from the sale of licenses and technical support.In addition, we are investing in the development of paid and free mobile application for IOS and Android. Thus, we have a unique opportunity to earn on advertising (for free apps) and sales in the App Store and the Android Market (for paid apps). Modern technology is developing by leaps and bounds, which contributes to the emergence of an increasing number of sites and mobile devices, and thus increasing the number of people who own them. CMS Market extensions and mobile applications is just beginning to develop, so the key to our financial success in the long run is actively working to invest in the development of CMS extensions, apps for IOS and Android, which creates our "multiple sources of income."


Payout Ratio: 21%
Profit: $30.77 in 12 payouts
Investment: $150.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 26.05.2016 $1.50
Profit 25.05.2016 $1.50
Profit 24.05.2016 $1.50
Profit 22.05.2016 $3.77
Profit 20.05.2016 $6.00
Profit 16.05.2016 $1.50
Profit 14.05.2016 $3.00
Profit 12.05.2016 $4.50
Profit 09.05.2016 $1.50
Profit 08.05.2016 $1.50
Profit 08.05.2016 $3.00
Profit 05.05.2016 $1.50
Spend 04.05.2016 $150.00