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Return Referal Commission

We always try to provide better conditions for our partners!
If you don't agree, we pay you from our funds. Honest and really "hot" offer.

Let's first briefly explain what a RCB
Almost in all investment projects, with some exceptions, there is a program of rewarding partners leading new investors to the project. Usually, the partner reward is calculated as a percentage.
For example, in the project "XXX", the referral commission is 5%. It means, then if you go to project using my referral link, register in the project and make deposit of $100, I will receive a reward of 5% of your deposit. It's worth noting that you don't lose anything, just the project administrator shares his earnings for inviting new investors.

Naturally in the market of investments there is a struggle for referrals. Many "Refers" are ready to return part of the referral commission back to investor. This return procedure is called refback.

"100% RCB", means that the refer is ready to return all received commission received to the affiliate program. That is, if he received 5% from the referral deposit, he is ready to return 5% back to the investor.

For the investor, it may seem stupid to "race" for 5-10%. We hasten to assure you – over time, these 5-10%, transform into decent amounts!
Treat to rcb seriously - for example, with a deposit of $1000, with help a rcb you can return $ 60-150. It would be foolish not take advantage of this opportunity.

You can order a rcb on our monitor and through our telegram bot - @FairMonitor_Bot
In case you didn't receive the refback within 72 hours, contact the site administration, all contacts are listed in the "Contacts" section.
Recently, the amount of fraud when ordering refback from users increases, we want to warn that for fraud to any user is threatened by a ban. We fulfill all our obligations, let's be honest with each other.

To get RCB from Fairmonitor, you should :
1. Register by our ref link.
2. After registration, make deposit.
3. Send us a request for refback, you can do this by clicking on the "request RCB" button.
Time of refback reception - up to 36 hours, at the weekend there may be delays, please treat with understanding. Usually refback will be paid after a couple of hours.

Dear partners, we are doing our best to support you and significantly reduce losses when investing in HYIP.
We pay refbacks from our own funds, so treat with understanding, don't regret time and give feedback on getting a refback on the forums, in group in facebook and on the monitor.

It only takes a few minutes, but this simple action you will support our work!

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