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Last payout: 27.02.2018 SCAM
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8.6 / 329 votes
Our Investment
228 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 20000$
Payout Ratio
188% in profit
On monitoring
177 days

Invest plan: 1.25% - 1.55% daily for 200 - 260 days

Referal program: 8%-5%-2%-1%-1%-1%-1%-1%-1%-0.5%-0.5%

Cryptonion is a coherent mechanism in which people interact to gain a common benefit. United by common interests and the desire to be at the forefront of the cryptocurrency market, we are constantly improving our performance. In order to stay at a high level, we continually incorporate new technologies, use new methods of tendering, always something new to move ahead. Like technology, we never stand on the spot, so we are always in the vanguard of technology. It's the desire to be the best that makes us go forward.

Program Details

Very Good
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Rating Info Feedback
Very Bad [email protected]
15.03.2018 - 15:03
я тоже не могу вывести средства
Very Good [email protected]
09.03.2018 - 01:01
2 недели админ не пополняет кошелек. Раньше регламент нарушал максимум на неделю. Странный админ,заканчивай бухать. Нас такой расклад не ус
Very Bad [email protected]
03.03.2018 - 13:01
Средства не выводятся с 17-ого февраля, в моем случае. Думаю, две недели отсутствия вывода более чем достаточно для сноса данного проекта в с
Good [email protected]
03.03.2018 - 12:12
Этот же проект не платит,почему он у вас платит, что у вас там заговор, на нас бабки делайте что ли или как, а то от вас не долго свалить если т
Very Good [email protected]
28.02.2018 - 11:11
выплата за весь февраль в один раз 351USD
Very Good [email protected]
27.02.2018 - 10:10
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
23.02.2018 - 08:08
Paying, thanks!
Good [email protected]
18.02.2018 - 20:08
Не платит
Very Bad [email protected]
15.02.2018 - 10:10
С первого февраля жду выплату на advcash
Very Good [email protected]
14.02.2018 - 19:07
Инстант The amount of 0.13 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 17:38 14.02.18. Batch: 205152440.
Very Good [email protected]
14.02.2018 - 12:12
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
13.02.2018 - 20:08
Инстант The amount of 0.13 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 18:15 13.02.18. Batch: 205047678.
Very Good [email protected]
12.02.2018 - 19:07
Инстант The amount of 0.13 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 17:43 12.02.18. Batch: 204931074.
Very Good [email protected]
12.02.2018 - 08:08
Платит! The amount of 0.78 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 21:30 11.02.18. Batch: 204840693.
Very Bad [email protected]
06.02.2018 - 12:12
выплата находится в режиме ожидания уже 3 день. тех поддержка не реагирует
Very Good [email protected]
05.02.2018 - 19:07
Инстант The amount of 0.13 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 17:41 05.02.18. Batch: 204200937.
Very Good [email protected]
05.02.2018 - 17:05
Инстант The amount of 0.52 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 15:19 05.02.18. Batch: 204186587.
Bad [email protected]
04.02.2018 - 15:03
в ожидании выплата находится уже второй день((( техподдержка не реагирует
Good [email protected]
03.02.2018 - 18:06
There is a legal company that helped thousands of investors to get back their MONEY from scam HYIPs and FOREX, contact them and recover your money now, their email is [email protected]
Very Good [email protected]
01.02.2018 - 10:10
Инстант: 02.01.18 06:45 Account Receive +2.64 Received Payment 2.64 USD from account U14273317 to account U11388***. Batch: 203450265. Memo: API Payment. Alina
Very Good [email protected]
01.02.2018 - 08:08
Инстант The amount of 0.13 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 06:48 01.02.18. Batch: 203450441.
Good [email protected]
31.01.2018 - 10:10
Проект платит. Оказывается нужно было отменить заявку и подать снова, попробуй догадайся. Transaction ID: 0ea750a2-42ca-400b-b5cb-f4d2a1fdd284 | Сумма: 1.43 USD | Примеч
Very Good [email protected]
31.01.2018 - 10:10
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
30.01.2018 - 20:08
Инстант The amount of 0.13 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14273317->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. yura8943.. Date: 18:18 30.01.18. Batch: 203290644.
Bad [email protected]
30.01.2018 - 11:11
Не платит, прошло уже более 24 часов. Вчера выплата ушла в ожидание и до сих пор тишина.

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