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Last payout: 26.10.2017 SCAM
Medusa Capital screenshot
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7.2 / 94 votes
Our Investment
125 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 50000$
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
17 days

Invest plan: 5% daily for 30 days | 110% after 10 days

Referal program: 6% - 1% - 0.5%

Medusa Capital - the company with official USA and GB registration, which is involved in the delicatessen fish species breeding. We are not just a company which united few large fish-farms, but we are also involved in the export of our production to the EU for the following distribution. Our business is organized due to the international standards and rules, which allows us to create eco-products with stable demands. While investing into our company, you investing in the real economics branch, which will give you more than 50% yield monthly.

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Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 23:11
Последние %(( Transaction ID: 3c120030-6c0c-4ac7-9289-59638f061f21 От: [email protected] Сумма: 2.00 USD Примечание: Withdrawal of funds: №34375, user: MarinaG. MedusaCapital (
Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 13:01
Инстант The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304-U1209.... Memo: API Payment.. Date: 09:13 26.10.17. Batch: 192549914. *********************************
Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 10:10
Платит 10.25.17 23:48 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304 to account U515****. Batch: 192518852. Memo: API Payment.
Very Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 09:09
платит!The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304->U12983. Memo: API Payment.. Date: 04:37 26.10.17. Batch: 192531161.
Very Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 08:08
Paying, thanks!
Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 08:08
Депозит 25.10.17 22:16 Transfer Sent Payment: 25.00 USD to account U13107794 from U153..... Batch: 192514476. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Bill №33446, MedusaCapital
Good [email protected]
26.10.2017 - 01:01
Платит 10.25.17 23:31 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304 to account U515****. Batch: 192518244. Memo: API Payment.
Very Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 22:10
Инстант: 10.25.17 20:15 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304. Batch: 192505768. Memo: API Payment.
Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 17:05
Внутренняя транзакция API Transaction ID: 6bfbd7a8-e14b-4d9e-856d-1dccd1eb44de От: [email protected] Сумма: 2.00 USD Примечание: Withdrawal of funds: №32463, user: MarinaG. MedusaCapital (
Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 12:12
Инстант The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304-U1209... Memo: API Payment.. Date: 09:11 25.10.17. Batch: 192436388.
Very Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 08:08
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 06:06
платит!The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304->U12983 Memo: API Payment.. Date: 03:44 25.10.17. Batch: 192414708.
Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 01:01
Платит 10.24.17 10:30 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304 to account U515****. Batch: 192327720. Memo: API Payment.
Very Good [email protected]
25.10.2017 - 00:12
Выплата: 10.24.17 22:11 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304. Batch: 192396965. Memo: API Payment.
Good [email protected]
24.10.2017 - 23:11
Внутренняя транзакция API Transaction ID: 06a143ff-f0a5-4ea9-8623-5d9ef1424d70 От: [email protected] Сумма: 2.00 USD Примечание: Withdrawal of funds: №30363, user: MarinaG. MedusaCapital (
Good [email protected]
24.10.2017 - 15:03
Инстант The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304-U1209.... Memo: API Payment.. Date: 09:11 24.10.17. Batch: 192320763. *********************************
Very Good [email protected]
24.10.2017 - 08:08
Paying, thanks!
Good [email protected]
24.10.2017 - 01:01
Платит 10.23.17 09:00 Account Receive +1.00 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304 to account U515****. Batch: 192205436. Memo: API Payment.
Very Good [email protected]
24.10.2017 - 00:12
Выплата с проекта: 10.23.17 21:47 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U14884304. Batch: 192281512. Memo: API Payment.
Good [email protected]
23.10.2017 - 23:11
Transaction ID: f97226b4-9cd7-4421-849c-69863280efe0 От: [email protected] Сумма: 2.00 USD Примечание: Withdrawal of funds: №28555, user: MarinaG. MedusaCapital (
Good [email protected]
23.10.2017 - 12:12
Инстант The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304-U1209.... Memo: API Payment.. Date: 09:14 23.10.17. Batch: 192206748. *********************************
Very Good [email protected]
23.10.2017 - 09:09
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
23.10.2017 - 07:07
платит!The amount of 5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304->U12983. Memo: API Payment.. Date: 04:30 23.10.17. Batch: 192188264.
Good [email protected]
23.10.2017 - 07:07
инстант The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U14884304-U1209....9. Memo: API Payment.. Date: 09:12 22.10.17. Batch: 192114633.
Good [email protected]
22.10.2017 - 21:09
Transaction ID: 18be5a14-8e41-46aa-8ee3-bb11396e5b8a От: [email protected] Сумма: 2.00 USD Примечание: Withdrawal of funds: №26497, user: MarinaG. MedusaCapital (

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