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Last payout: 12.10.2018 SCAM
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7.0 / 30 votes
Our Investment
9 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 50000$
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
9 days

Invest plan: 1.8% - 5% daily for 20 - 45 days | 110% after 7 days

Referal program: 5%

We are a specific group of specialists engaged with the offer of cryptographic forms of money as we furnish you with the best rate accessible. We make utilization of present day calculations to offer you fantastic administration. Our expert representatives make a special effort to give you uncommon client benefit.

Program Details

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Rating Info Feedback
Very Bad [email protected]
23.10.2018 - 10:10
I still didn't receive a coverage, however tech support of Fairmonitor said there will be a coverage... До сих пор не выплачена страховка, хотя техподдержка мониторинга писала мне, что с
Very Bad [email protected]
14.10.2018 - 02:02
There is no instant anymore. Apparently, scam. Withdrawal Request $ 0.36 [Cancel] Oct-13-2018 11:51:51 PM
Very Good [email protected]
13.10.2018 - 14:02
Instant withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 13:00 12.10.18. Batch: 231909333.
Good [email protected]
13.10.2018 - 06:06
Payment 7/20: 10.13.18 00:56 Account Receive +0.36 Received Payment 0.36 USD from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231974237. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to s*** from DIVO BIT LTD.
Good [email protected]
12.10.2018 - 10:10
Payment 6/20: 10.12.18 07:56 Account Receive [B]+0.36[/B] Received Payment [B]0.36 USD[/B] from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231877658. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to s*** from DIVO BIT LTD.
Very Good [email protected]
12.10.2018 - 06:06
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
12.10.2018 - 04:04
Instant withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 14:01 11.10.18. Batch: 231795282.
Very Good [email protected]
11.10.2018 - 09:09
Paying, thanks!
Good [email protected]
11.10.2018 - 09:09
Payment 5/20: 10.11.18 07:16 Account Receive +0.36 Received Payment 0.36 USD from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231753796. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to s*** from DIVO BIT LTD.
Very Good [email protected]
11.10.2018 - 08:08
Instant withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 14:08 10.10.18. Batch: 231673341.
Good [email protected]
10.10.2018 - 12:12
10.10.18 08:30 Account Receive +0.36 Received Payment 0.36 USD from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231633512. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to solarscream from DIVO BIT LTD.
Very Good [email protected]
10.10.2018 - 09:09
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
10.10.2018 - 03:03
Instant withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 12:27 09.10.18. Batch: 231525215.
Good [email protected]
09.10.2018 - 23:11
Выплаты инстант, а не мануал
Good [email protected]
09.10.2018 - 10:10
Payment 3/20: 10.09.18 07:30 Account Receive +0.36 Received Payment 0.36 USD from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231490351. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to s*** from DIVO BIT LTD.
Very Good [email protected]
09.10.2018 - 09:09
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
09.10.2018 - 07:07
Instant withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 12:25 08.10.18. Batch: 231397359.
Good [email protected]
08.10.2018 - 11:11
10.08.18 07:08 Account Receive +0.36 Received Payment 0.36 USD from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231363557. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to s*** from DIVO BIT LTD.
Very Good [email protected]
08.10.2018 - 09:09
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
07.10.2018 - 14:02
Instant withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 12:26 07.10.18. Batch: 231284100.
Good [email protected]
07.10.2018 - 10:10
а какая здесь минималка для вывода?
Good [email protected]
07.10.2018 - 10:10
Payment 1/20: 10.07.18 08:08 Account Receive +0.36 Received Payment 0.36 USD from account U18863891 to account U165****1. Batch: 231261339. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to s*** from DIVO BIT LTD.
Very Good [email protected]
07.10.2018 - 09:09
Paying, thanks!
Very Good [email protected]
07.10.2018 - 02:02
Withdraw to Cephdivbt from DIVO BIT LTD. Thanks, admin! The amount of 0.63 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U18863891->U15393***. Memo: API Payment. Date: 12:36 06.10.18. Batch: 231186251.
Good [email protected]
06.10.2018 - 20:08
Рефбек прилетел очень быстро! Спасибо! Получен щедрый рефбек! Спасибо! OПЕРАЦИЯ №655744551 Дата операции: 05 Окт 2018 22:58 ID операции: 655744551 Тип оп

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