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Bonus "Last happy days"

31.07.2017 - 14:02


Good day, dear partners and guests of our portal.


Monday – a hard day, and in addition, dropped so that today is the end of the second month of summer.


These days, many people are overcome by a slight melancholy, for lost time and opportunities.


But don't users of our first Bank monitoring!


After today, to lift Your spirit and mood, we are launching a campaign "Last happy days”.


By its terms, any of our partners, in order refback will receive a bonus of$ 1  from our portal. the offer is valid until 00.00 31.07.17


To participate in the promotion, Your Deposit in any of the projects posted on our HYIP monitor, should be between 20 USD.


Bonus funds are paid along with Rebeca to the specified user details. To receive the bonus include the phrase "Action +1" in the order comments refbakc.


Sincerely Yours, team of the first Bank monitoring