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Last payout: 08.08.2019 SCAM
Eggzoid Farm screenshot
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7.5 / 18 votes
Our Investment
10 days
Min. / Max.
20$ / 50000$
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
10 days

Invest plan: 7% daily for 22 days | 110% after 10 days

Referal program: 7% - 1%

At Eggzoid, we carry on the poultry farming business in a highly perfected scientific environment. As a result many investors prefer to put money into in this business. People generally establish poultry farm for the purpose of producing eggs, meat and generating high revenue from these products. Billions of chickens are being raised throughout the world as a good source of food from their eggs and meat. Our company creates the best conditions of cooperation & financial success to make a win-win scenario for both our investors & our company.

- Order RCB -

Deposit % 1st Deposit Re-Deposit
Min Max RCB Bonus RCB Bonus
$1 $20 1.00% 2500% $0.00 1800% $0.00
$21 $25 7.00% 350% $0.00 250% $0.00
$26 $50 7.00% 300% $0.00 200% $0.00
$51 $100 7.00% 250% $0.00 150% $0.00
$101 $500 7.00% 200% $0.00 100% $0.00
$501 $1000 7.00% 100% $0.00 90% $0.00
$1001 $5000 7.00% 90% $0.00 80% $0.00
$5001 and more 7.00% 80% $0.00 80% $0.00

  • 1st deposit: $0.00
    2st deposit: $0.00

  • turing code

Attention: when ordering a RCB on the internal balance of, you will be credited the amount not by the calculator (displayed when ordering RCB), but 100% of the official program in the project!

- RCB Requests for Eggzoid Farm -

Date Login Depo/RCB Accont Status
04.08.2019 - 08:08 mas******* $100.00/$17.50 Bitcoin 1Mh******* Paid
03.08.2019 - 08:08 Sar******* $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U15******* Paid
03.08.2019 - 08:08 Vog******* $25.00/$6.12 Payeer P10******* Paid
02.08.2019 - 05:05 Ban******* $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
01.08.2019 - 23:11 TDU******* $200.00/$28.00 Bitcoin 13Z******* Paid
01.08.2019 - 15:03 Pem******* $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U19******* Paid
01.08.2019 - 15:03 Ale****** $20.00/$5.00 Payeer P92******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 17:05 rog******* $40.00/$8.40 PerfectMoney U98******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 17:05 Per****** $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U13******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 17:05 jin******* $200.00/$28.00 Bitcoin 1J3******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 17:05 T0C******* $150.00/$21.00 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 09:09 hc4******* $200.00/$28.00 PerfectMoney U14******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 08:08 tdu******* $200.00/$28.00 PerfectMoney U18******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 07:07 Egg******* $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U18******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 07:07 cit****** $25.00/$6.12 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 21:09 Dep******* $25.00/$6.12 PerfectMoney U18******* Paid
31.07.2019 - 17:05 sma******* $100.00/$17.50 Litecoin LQv******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 21:09 Eni******* $25.00/$6.12 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 20:08 Tim******* $25.00/$6.12 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 20:08 Bee****** $25.00/$6.12 PerfectMoney U18******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 20:08 Sot****** $25.00/$6.12 PerfectMoney U15******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 20:08 mat******* $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U13******* Paid
30.07.2019 - 09:09 nel******* $20.00/$5.00 PerfectMoney U42******* Paid