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Last scams

Last payout: 23.07.2022 SCAM
Bitbirds screenshot
  • SSL
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8.9 / 19 votes
Our Investment
3 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / -
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
1 days

Invest plan: 110% - 135% after 1 day

Referal program: 5% - 2% - 1%

Smart profit program, amazing profit where you can make profit in just 24 hours in simple investment plans according to your deposit and the profit you want without the need for long term investment. Be smart, invest in an easy place to make money.

- Order RCB -

Deposit % 1st Deposit Re-Deposit
Min Max RCB Bonus RCB Bonus
$1 $10 1.00% 1700% $0.00 600% $0.00
$11 $20 1.00% 1700% $0.00 600% $0.00
$21 $30 1.00% 1600% $0.00 600% $0.00
$31 $50 1.00% 1300% $0.00 600% $0.00
$51 $100 1.00% 1100% $0.00 600% $0.00
$101 $200 1.00% 1100% $0.00 600% $0.00
$201 $300 1.00% 1000% $0.00 500% $0.00
$301 $500 1.00% 900% $0.00 500% $0.00
$501 $1000 1.00% 800% $0.00 500% $0.00
$1001 $5000 1.00% 700% $0.00 500% $0.00
$5001 and more 1.00% 500% $0.00 500% $0.00

  • 1st deposit: $0.00
    2st deposit: $0.00

  • turing code

Attention: when ordering a RCB on the internal balance of, you will be credited the amount not by the calculator (displayed when ordering RCB), but 100% of the official program in the project!

- RCB Requests for Bitbirds -

Date Login Depo/RCB Accont Status
23.07.2022 - 09:09 MAT****** $15.00/$2.54 PerfectMoney U14******* Paid
23.07.2022 - 09:09 Tol******* $50.00/$6.50 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
23.07.2022 - 09:09 vmv******* $100.00/$11.00 PerfectMoney U16******* Paid
23.07.2022 - 09:09 AVL******* $50.00/$6.50 PerfectMoney U17******* Paid
23.07.2022 - 09:09 mra******* $100.00/$11.00 PerfectMoney U20******* Paid
23.07.2022 - 09:09 Lan****** $20.00/$3.40 Tether TEE******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 20:08 Laz******* $10.00/$1.70 PerfectMoney U43******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 20:08 pan***** $50.00/$6.50 PerfectMoney U14******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Bmu****** $200.00/$22.00 PerfectMoney U31******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Ole**** $50.00/$6.50 Tether TKq******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Rus******* $20.00/$3.40 Tether TL4******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Rad***** $372.00/$33.48 Tether TMc******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Hon*** $20.00/$3.40 PerfectMoney U15******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Mag****** $31.00/$4.03 Tether TWh******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Str******* $53.00/$5.83 Tether TCS******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Kar**** $50.00/$6.50 Tether TXu******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 led****** $30.00/$4.80 PerfectMoney U23******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 gre******* $20.00/$3.40 PerfectMoney U24******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 riz******* $20.00/$3.40 Tether TXx******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Fus***** $100.00/$11.00 Tether TPe******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 lud******* $31.00/$1.55 lud******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Olg******* $31.00/$1.55 Olg******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Mar****** $31.00/$1.55 Mar****** Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 Sat******* $31.00/$1.55 Sat******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 18:06 lol**** $50.00/$6.50 PerfectMoney U20******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 Hel***** $40.00/$5.20 PerfectMoney U87******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 Tas******* $30.00/$1.50 Tas******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 17:05 Sta******* $240.00/$24.00 Litecoin LRV******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 Ton**** $201.00/$20.10 Tether TGk******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 dna**** $66.00/$7.26 PerfectMoney U37******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 lud******* $20.00/$3.40 Tether TMJ******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 Olg******* $20.00/$3.40 Tether TDs******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 nex**** $50.00/$6.50 Tether TUN******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 Mam******* $100.00/$11.00 Tether TT5******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 15:03 Mar****** $20.00/$3.40 Tether TPA******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 13:01 Sat******* $20.00/$3.40 Tether TEi******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 13:01 Sol******* $33.00/$1.65 She******* Paid
22.07.2022 - 13:01 Win****** $50.00/$6.50 Tether TPr******* Paid