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Last payout: 15.10.2016 SCAM
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10.0 / 20 votes
Our Investment
23 days
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Payout Ratio
On monitoring
23 days

Invest plan: 2% to 4% daily, Instant payment system
The deposit amount is returned within 10 days

Referal program: 7%-3%-1%

The “Econrg” Company develops the most reliable and cost-effective solutions for the “green” energy engineering and supplies them to the world market. Our company was founded in 2010 and currently, it’s the largest supplier of ready “green” solutions in Europe. More than 1,000 companies in 17 countries all around the world are our customers. Our main goal is to provide our customers with clean energy resources from private houses to global corporations. The sale, installation and maintenance of ready “green” solutions are a main activity of the company. Since 2015, the company has begun to actively develop photovoltaic energetic markets in Asia and Eastern Europe. To identify the most optimal directions in the development of the business, the management of the company was decided to initially analyze the Asian and Eastern Europe markets, which has allowed us to achieve the most successful interaction with consumers. We offer our investors to make a contribution to the development of “green” energy engineering and make money with us, by making a profit from our contracts and services provided to our customers.

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