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Last payout: 11.10.2016 SCAM
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10.0 / 13 votes
Our Investment
9 days
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On monitoring
9 days

Invest plan: Daily plan for 21 days principal returned , daily profit up to 5,5% ;Daily plan for 21 days principal included , daily profit up to 9,5%; After plan for 7 days, up to 125%; After plan for 14 days , up to 175%; After plan for 21 days, up to 225%

Referal program: 15%-5%-3% is a investment platform owned and operated by RoiBets Limited. Our company offers its clients a chance to invest in sports betting without the risks of loss. The sports industry never stops and in our eyes is more active and profitable than any other investment field in the world. The main advantage of investing in sports betting is the short investment cycles. Unlike traditional investment companies we are able to generate the promised profits in just a few days. Our team includes multiple enthusiasts who dedicate their time to keep up with all the latest sports events and news. Combined together they create one of the most experienced and knowledgeable asset in the industry. Thanks to this unique expertise we are able to identify multiple low risk competitions and place safe, calculated bets to increase our capital. By joining a handful of trading experts, together we have created the perfect platform that can take the full advantage of our expertise. Thanks to our investment platform we are able to offer our services and share the thrill of earning from sports events with our clients anywhere, anytime.

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