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Last scams

Last payout: 30.07.2017 SCAM
EXO Financial Group screenshot
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10.0 / 4 votes
Our Investment
10 days
Min. / Max.
25$ / 99999$
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
9 days

Invest plan: 2% - 5.5% daily for 10 day | 11% - 15% for 10 day

Referal program: 4% - 2% - 1%

Every side of the Exo Financial Group LTD, business is the result of hard work done by tens of specialists engaged in management, marketing, Forex trading, stock trading, mathematics and high technologies. It means that every asset management operation is based on a scientific approach which implies calculating probability of bargain outcomes, risks, compensating bargains and many other factors. And that's where our long experience becomes handy - it allows us to give approximate estimations of our daily profit and offer a stable profit percentage to our clients. Of course, we may suffer losses after some trading sessions but all in all our total profit covers the amount of possible losses.

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