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Last scams

Last payout: 26.04.2018 SCAM
Crypto Prime Coin screenshot
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8.1 / 16 votes
Our Investment
22 days
Min. / Max.
15$ / -
Payout Ratio
109% in profit
On monitoring
16 days

Invest plan: 12% daily for 2 days | 150% - 500% after 2 - 7 days

Referal program: 10% - 5% - 5%

Welcome to the world of high-tech and profitable investments! We offer you an investment program, which aims to effective work with client financial assets within the asset management service available at the cryptocurrency markets for everyone, as well as the development of mining processes of BitCoin by the popular company from the United Kingdom. Our investment experts are highly experienced in all cryptocurrency techniques, and they can answer whatever question you have about BitCoin mining.

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