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Last payout: 22.06.2018 SCAM
BitElysium screenshot
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9.5 / 63 votes
Our Investment
12 days
Min. / Max.
0.002 BTC / 500 BTC
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
12 days

Invest plan: 4.8% daily ( 0.20% hourly for lifetime )

Referal program: 7%

Welcome to Bit-Elysium, The Hong Kong based crypto company instituted in late 2017 to focus the crypto-currency trading and mining business. Bit-Elysium establishment is available for everyone and presents their professional service to successes that want to benefit in the highly rated crypto market. We have the team of analytics, miners, and traders that share their skills and turn your fund into smart investments. Bit-Elysium will be the one-stop solution that will help you to be financially free. Your investment will generate forever earning every hour that will be 5% per day. Besides that our referral program will excite you more. Our website is secured by firewalls and DDoS protected servers. With the user-friendly and secure environment, your investment will be handled by right and smart brains. Join today and check why investors love us.

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