Personal Account



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Last scams

Last payout: 28.07.2016 SCAM
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10.0 / 18 votes
Our Investment
265 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
117 days

Invest plan: 20% in month, 0.65 daily
RCB 90%

Referal program: 9% – 4,5% – 0.3% – 0.3% – 0.3% – 0.3% – 0.3%

To join the Internet community E-DINAR, and become the owner of cryptocurrency E-DINAR, the volume of which is increasing by 20% per month, you need to do a few simple and exciting actions: It is necessary to register on the website (registration link) Send your money to the P2P E-DINAR Exchange, where you can buy cryptocurrency from other traders on the open market or buy E-DINAR currency in one of the certified site – exchanger presented on our website (link to the list of Exchangers where you can buy E-DINAR) Transfer E-DINAR currency to your wallet for the currency, which an Internet community E-DINAR has already created for you. It is created automatically and for free after your registration. Watch for the increasing number of your currency by 20% per month. At any time you can sell your E-DINAR currency at the exchange P2P (link to the exchange) or in one of the certified sites - exchangers. (Link to the site of the exchanger) We remind you, because of mining the total amount of your currency E-DINAR increases by 20% monthly.


Payout Ratio: 89%
Profit: $177.10 in 16 payouts
Investment: $200.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 28.07.2016 $25.00
Profit 22.07.2016 $25.00
Profit 06.07.2016 $8.50
Profit 29.06.2016 $8.00
Profit 25.06.2016 $17.00
Profit 17.06.2016 $12.00
Profit 02.06.2016 $9.00
Profit 30.05.2016 $11.00
Profit 26.05.2016 $4.50
Profit 25.05.2016 $3.00
Profit 28.04.2016 $1.00
Profit 25.04.2016 $5.00
Profit 23.04.2016 $11.00
Profit 17.04.2016 $13.00
Profit 14.04.2016 $11.00
Profit 11.04.2016 $13.10
Spend 11.04.2016 $200.00