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Last payout: 08.11.2016 SCAM
Mellon Finance screenshot
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9.4 / 128 votes
Our Investment
48 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
102% in profit
On monitoring
48 days

Invest plan: 3.5% daily after 29 days 3% daily

Referal program: 10%-1%-0.5%

Today, probably, for anybody not a secret that the basis of continuous development in our world is technology. Constant movement forward, the development of innovative IT solutions to drive the progress forward. Naturally, all this brings huge profits and true professionals of big business long ago, betting on science and technology. Company and Mellon Finance is one of the pioneers in this direction!


Payout Ratio: 102% in profit
Profit: $204.40 in 45 payouts
Investment: $200.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 08.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 07.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 06.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 05.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 04.11.2016 $8.15
Profit 03.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 02.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 01.11.2016 $6.00
Profit 31.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 30.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 29.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 28.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 27.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 26.10.2016 $36.00
Profit 25.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 24.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 23.10.2016 $6.00
Profit 22.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 21.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 20.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 19.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 18.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 17.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 16.10.2016 $2.00
Profit 15.10.2016 $2.00