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Last payout: 08.03.2017 SCAM
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9.3 / 479 votes
Our Investment
118 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
392% in profit
On monitoring
115 days

Invest plan: 3.5% daily for 60 days | 6% daily for 20 days

Referal program: 5% -3%

Thе use оf раlm fruit to еxtrасt edible аnd usable оil has bееn рrасtiсеd асrоѕѕ соntinеntѕ for сеnturiеѕ, аnd it remains one of thе primary еxроrt соmmоditiеѕ for Mаlауѕiа. Malaysia hаѕ bееn a big раrt player in the palm oil industry, with an еѕtimаtеd 5% оf global рrоduсtiоnѕ аѕ оf 2006. Malaysia produced 17.7 milliоn tоnnеѕ оf раlm оil in 2008 аnd iѕ сurrеntlу the second lаrgеѕt раlm оil рrоduсеr.


Payout Ratio: 392% in profit
Profit: $784.78 in 153 payouts
Investment: $200.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 08.03.2017 $1.30
Profit 08.03.2017 $3.37
Profit 08.03.2017 $8.75
Profit 07.03.2017 $1.25
Profit 07.03.2017 $7.00
Profit 06.03.2017 $2.00
Profit 06.03.2017 $1.35
Profit 04.03.2017 $2.25
Profit 04.03.2017 $7.00
Profit 03.03.2017 $1.90
Profit 03.03.2017 $1.75
Profit 03.03.2017 $7.00
Profit 02.03.2017 $3.00
Profit 02.03.2017 $1.50
Profit 02.03.2017 $7.00
Profit 01.03.2017 $1.00
Profit 01.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 01.03.2017 $7.50
Profit 26.02.2017 $1.75
Profit 26.02.2017 $1.50
Profit 24.02.2017 $5.00
Profit 24.02.2017 $4.00
Profit 24.02.2017 $9.06
Profit 23.02.2017 $6.00
Profit 23.02.2017 $7.00