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Last payout: 28.02.2017 SCAM
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9.2 / 210 votes
Our Investment
131 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
156% in profit
On monitoring
106 days

Invest plan: BIT-1: 7.60% Daily | BIT-2: 5.10% Daily | BIT-3: 4.20% Daily | BIT-4: 1.00% Daily

Referal program: 5% - 2% -1%

Our company - is an association of professional brokers with a huge amount of knowledge and experience. Our staff are specialists who have attained excellent results, both on the Forex and binary options on how the futures market, and the shares trade. However, they are now focused on the exchanges with cryptocurrency - this market is currently able to provide the most effective attachment means.


Payout Ratio: 156% in profit
Profit: $311.06 in 118 payouts
Investment: $200.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 28.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 27.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 26.02.2017 $3.95
Profit 26.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 25.02.2017 $2.50
Profit 24.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 23.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 22.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 21.02.2017 $2.50
Profit 20.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 19.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 19.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 19.02.2017 $3.26
Profit 18.02.2017 $4.00
Profit 17.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 16.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 15.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 14.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 13.02.2017 $1.25
Profit 13.02.2017 $7.00
Profit 13.02.2017 $1.25
Profit 12.02.2017 $4.00
Profit 10.02.2017 $2.00
Profit 09.02.2017 $3.50
Profit 08.02.2017 $2.00