Personal Account



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Last payout: 30.03.2017 SCAM
NordeBank screenshot
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9.3 / 107 votes
Our Investment
33 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
251% in profit
On monitoring
33 days

Invest plan: 2.0% daily for 15 days | 2.5% daily | 3.0% daily | 3.5% daily

Referal program: 8% - 3% - 2%

NORDEBANK Group vision and values are customer oriented. Our aim – to serve our clients and their needs - is reflected in NORDEBANK vision "The art of client service - our way to create value". To embody our vision and corporate values, NORDEBANK implements a customer-oriented business model creating long-term values for our customers, employees, shareholders and general public.


Payout Ratio: 251% in profit
Profit: $751.51 in 71 payouts
Investment: $300.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 30.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 30.03.2017 $3.60
Profit 28.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 27.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 26.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 25.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 24.03.2017 $19.20
Profit 24.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 23.03.2017 $18.60
Profit 23.03.2017 $3.00
Profit 23.03.2017 $30.60
Profit 22.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 22.03.2017 $12.60
Profit 22.03.2017 $3.00
Profit 22.03.2017 $15.60
Profit 21.03.2017 $3.00
Profit 21.03.2017 $10.25
Profit 21.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 21.03.2017 $51.00
Profit 21.03.2017 $4.80
Profit 21.03.2017 $21.60
Profit 21.03.2017 $38.40
Profit 21.03.2017 $7.80
Profit 21.03.2017 $90.30
Profit 20.03.2017 $2.11