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Last payout: 18.04.2017 SCAM
Aprex Fund screenshot
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9.6 / 128 votes
Our Investment
51 days
Min. / Max.
0.025 btc
Payout Ratio
179% in profit
On monitoring
50 days

Invest plan: 17.8% - 25.7% Daily for 6 Day

Referal program: 3% - 2% - 1%

Financial Group of APREX INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL currently has over 40 official members in the form of five major holdings which are active in the following fields: Bitcoin mining, cryptocurrency banking, Bitcoin and investments, cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency exchange, instant exchange trading market of the cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dashcoin. This large economic group consisting of “APREX INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL Investment Group (APREX INVESTMENT INTERNATIONAL Financial Group)-Pvt.” and “Aprix Bitcoin Mining Group (Pvt.)” is currently registered and branded as an official company in England with the registration number of 10582417.


Payout Ratio: 179% in profit
Profit: $1,072.88 in 26 payouts
Investment: $600.00 in 2 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 18.04.2017 $48.57
Profit 17.04.2017 $53.40
Profit 15.04.2017 $48.15
Profit 12.04.2017 $48.70
Profit 10.04.2017 $41.00
Profit 08.04.2017 $13.00
Profit 03.04.2017 $2.90
Profit 01.04.2017 $60.13
Profit 31.03.2017 $35.00
Profit 29.03.2017 $57.30
Profit 26.03.2017 $48.47
Spend 23.03.2017 $300.00
Profit 23.03.2017 $42.00
Profit 20.03.2017 $44.72
Profit 19.03.2017 $42.12
Profit 18.03.2017 $46.91
Profit 17.03.2017 $51.37
Profit 15.03.2017 $55.83
Profit 14.03.2017 $56.34
Profit 12.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 12.03.2017 $49.59
Profit 11.03.2017 $52.31
Profit 08.03.2017 $50.17
Profit 08.03.2017 $3.97
Profit 07.03.2017 $4.56