Personal Account



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Last payout: 25.05.2017 SCAM
Oil-Uae screenshot
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8.5 / 329 votes
Our Investment
81 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
462% in profit
On monitoring
80 days

Invest plan: 3% daily on business days, to 70 business days

Referal program: 10%

UAE OIL company LTD (Malta) starting in 2015, is developing deposits, production and sale of oil from the UAE. UAE OIL LTD (Malta) also works with individuals wishing to invest in the development of our company. Our company has many years experience of doing international business and has passed the test for solvency payments of interest on the Deposit created packages. Even in the unstable financial times, our company shows growth and development. Mutually beneficial cooperation UAE OIL LTD (Malta) and individuals contributes to an increase in working capital of the company due to the influx of additional private investment.


Payout Ratio: 462% in profit
Profit: $924.56 in 87 payouts
Investment: $200.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 13.03.2017 $20.20
Profit 12.03.2017 $16.35
Profit 12.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 11.03.2017 $2.00
Profit 11.03.2017 $7.00
Profit 10.03.2017 $3.30
Profit 10.03.2017 $1.00
Profit 09.03.2017 $6.00
Profit 09.03.2017 $8.00
Profit 08.03.2017 $4.40
Profit 08.03.2017 $22.80
Profit 07.03.2017 $28.50
Spend 07.03.2017 $200.00