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Last payout: 29.03.2017 SCAM
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9.7 / 88 votes
Our Investment
25 days
Min. / Max.
Payout Ratio
149% in profit
On monitoring
16 days

Invest plan: 160% for 20 days

Referal program: 5% - 2% - 1%

The company 50EX provides aggregation and interaction of services of MFIs (micro Finance institution) to an automatic level to the users. In fact, 50ЕХ is a financial aggregator. A unique feature 50ЕХ is that the company collects and processes data from the plurality of partner services, providing microloans, working with them in development. This cooperation enables us to provide users with the ability to make mikroinvestitsy in these services. Financial aggregator 50ЕХ provides its users with full transparency of the process of investing, protecting your personal information. The main directions of development of the company made on a qualified level with experience in the financial sector, applying own technical development and loyalty marketing, which allows any user to interact with 50ЕХ. The competence of the employees of the company allows to say with confidence that we will become your reliable partner. Our main goal is to make the process quick and convenient, and the process of making a profit is really affordable. We are very attentive to the opinions of our customers, it is important for us as they appreciate our work quality and convenience of interaction microinvestitionen aggregator 50ЕХ.


Payout Ratio: 149% in profit
Profit: $447.59 in 32 payouts
Investment: $300.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 29.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 28.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 27.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 26.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 25.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 25.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 23.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 22.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 22.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 21.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 21.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 20.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 19.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 19.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 19.03.2017 $2.43
Profit 18.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 18.03.2017 $2.46
Profit 18.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 17.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 17.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 17.03.2017 $24.00
Profit 17.03.2017 $2.50
Profit 16.03.2017 $29.00
Profit 16.03.2017 $2.40
Profit 16.03.2017 $2.50