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Last payout: 06.11.2018 SCAM
Trade Limited screenshot
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9.1 / 681 votes
Our Investment
407 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 50000$
Payout Ratio
315% in profit
On monitoring
407 days

Invest plan: 0.8% - 1% daily for 90 days | 200% - 600% after 75 - 180 days | 7.5% - 15% for 90 days

Referal program: 5%

Trade Professional LTD is a modern product of the international cooperation and merge of corporate interests at the international level. The company began its way as small association of like-minded in the branch of trading in 2010. For the next 6 years we have grown up to the serious investment fund capable to steadily give 25% of profit on investments made by investors.


Payout Ratio: 315% in profit
Profit: $944.22 in 355 payouts
Investment: $300.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 30.11.2017 $4.84
Profit 28.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 27.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 25.11.2017 $7.26
Profit 23.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 22.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 21.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 20.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 19.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 18.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 17.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 16.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 15.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 14.11.2017 $4.84
Profit 12.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 11.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 10.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 09.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 08.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 07.11.2017 $4.84
Profit 05.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 04.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 03.11.2017 $4.84
Profit 01.11.2017 $2.42
Profit 31.10.2017 $2.42