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Last payout: 05.05.2018 SCAM
Dellmaria screenshot
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8.9 / 18 votes
Our Investment
25 days
Min. / Max.
3$ / -
Payout Ratio
130% in profit
On monitoring
25 days

Invest plan: 3% - 6% daily (bonus 10 GH/S)

Referal program: 10% - 2%

Dellmaria is an advanced mining company with a huge experience in this field. Having modern equipment for mining of the most perspective crypto currencies we provide an opportunity of profitable cloud mining for our customers. Each customer has the opportunity to select altcoins from a number of submitted for further mining with the possibility to distribute available power at their own discretion. We take care about the quality of our services ensuring the stable operation of the equipment and the safety of the funds deposited and earned by you.


Payout Ratio: 130% in profit
Profit: $390.88 in 14 payouts
Investment: $300.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 05.05.2018 $33.31
Profit 03.05.2018 $31.92
Profit 01.05.2018 $31.04
Profit 29.04.2018 $31.00
Profit 27.04.2018 $60.32
Profit 25.04.2018 $29.93
Profit 23.04.2018 $16.58
Profit 22.04.2018 $30.25
Profit 20.04.2018 $31.60
Profit 18.04.2018 $28.44
Profit 16.04.2018 $29.40
Profit 15.04.2018 $13.83
Profit 14.04.2018 $14.63
Profit 13.04.2018 $8.63
Spend 12.04.2018 $300.00