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Last payout: 12.06.2018 SCAM
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9.1 / 133 votes
Our Investment
16 days
Min. / Max.
0.001 BTC / 500 BTC
Payout Ratio
150% in profit
On monitoring
16 days

Invest plan: 10% - 15% daily for 50 days

Referal program: 5% - 1%

Our Company is an association of dedicated people, related by a common aim to profit from correctly organized process of mining crypto-currencies using your own computing power. Having overcome a long and thorny way from the small and little-known company to one of leaders of the branch, CryptoLeader engaged in a comprehensive extraction of various popular digital currencies, including Litecoin, Ethereum, Bitcoincash, and, of course, Bitcoin, thereby diversifying the risks — reducing the cost of one cryptocurrency is invariably compensated by the accelerated growth of the other cryptocurrency.


Payout Ratio: 150% in profit
Profit: $526.00 in 16 payouts
Investment: $350.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 12.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 11.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 10.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 09.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 08.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 07.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 06.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 05.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 04.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 03.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 02.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 01.06.2018 $35.00
Profit 31.05.2018 $35.00
Profit 30.05.2018 $35.00
Profit 29.05.2018 $35.00
Profit 28.05.2018 $1.00
Spend 28.05.2018 $350.00