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Last payout: 23.07.2018 SCAM
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9.5 / 29 votes
Our Investment
51 days
Min. / Max.
50$ / 250000$
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
49 days

Invest plan: from 22.5% for month

Referal program: 8% - 4% - 2% -1%

BitArb is a membership based service where revenue is shared between all members on a daily basis. To put it simply, our investors form part of a large investment pool managed by the great investment professionals on our team. Their job is to invest wisely and make a profit, and then share the profit with the community with our investment plan. Our speciality is risk-free safe trading opportunities based on BitCoin arbitrage trading. We would love for you to join us on our journey.


Payout Ratio: 57%
Profit: $143.17 in 27 payouts
Investment: $250.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 23.07.2018 $6.52
Profit 22.07.2018 $9.00
Profit 20.07.2018 $9.42
Profit 18.07.2018 $6.01
Profit 17.07.2018 $5.12
Profit 16.07.2018 $7.63
Profit 13.07.2018 $5.60
Profit 10.07.2018 $6.13
Profit 09.07.2018 $5.00
Profit 08.07.2018 $6.00
Profit 07.07.2018 $13.00
Profit 06.07.2018 $6.80
Profit 04.07.2018 $7.30
Profit 01.07.2018 $8.00
Profit 29.06.2018 $9.00
Profit 28.06.2018 $4.00
Profit 25.06.2018 $4.48
Profit 22.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 20.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 18.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 16.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 14.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 13.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 11.06.2018 $2.24
Profit 10.06.2018 $2.24