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Last payout: 01.12.2018 SCAM
Lighter Bit LTD screenshot
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8.3 / 264 votes
Our Investment
172 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 100000$
Payout Ratio
155% in profit
On monitoring
160 days

Invest plan: 2% daily for 75 days

Referal program: 5% - 3% - 1% - 0.5% - 0.2%

Welcome to the site of Lighter Bit LTD! Our speculation stage is a result of watchful arrangement and productive work of specialists in the field of crypto , exceptionally gainful exchange digital forms of money and web based promoting. Utilizing current strategies for working together and an individual way to deal with every customer, we offer a one of a kind speculation model to individuals who need to utilize Bitcoin as a strategy for installment, as well as a solid wellspring of stable pay.


Payout Ratio: 155% in profit
Profit: $776.00 in 140 payouts
Investment: $500.00 in 2 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 08.10.2018 $5.00
Profit 07.10.2018 $5.00
Profit 06.10.2018 $5.00
Profit 05.10.2018 $10.00
Profit 03.10.2018 $5.00
Profit 02.10.2018 $5.00
Profit 01.10.2018 $5.00
Profit 30.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 29.09.2018 $10.00
Profit 27.09.2018 $10.00
Profit 25.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 24.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 23.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 22.09.2018 $10.00
Profit 20.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 18.09.2018 $10.00
Profit 16.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 15.09.2018 $5.00
Spend 14.09.2018 $250.00
Profit 14.09.2018 $10.00
Profit 12.09.2018 $10.00
Profit 10.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 09.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 08.09.2018 $5.00
Profit 07.09.2018 $5.00