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Last payout: 11.09.2018 SCAM
Suzuki Coin screenshot
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9.5 / 42 votes
Our Investment
107 days
Min. / Max.
50$ / -
Payout Ratio
115% in profit
On monitoring
51 days

Invest plan: 2% - 3% daily forever

Referal program: 20% - 4% - 4% - 1% - 1%

Suzuki Coin was founded by Satoro Suzuki, a 38-year-old Japanese man, specialist in Investments (Forex, Stock Exchange, Digital Coin), Finance and Economics, Suzuki trades every day in the world's largest "Forex", "Stock Exchange" and "Digital Coin Trading" brokers and guarantees the income for all Suzuki Coin investors.


Payout Ratio: 115% in profit
Profit: $230.98 in 28 payouts
Investment: $200.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 11.09.2018 $8.03
Profit 09.09.2018 $8.03
Profit 07.09.2018 $8.03
Profit 05.09.2018 $8.02
Profit 03.09.2018 $8.03
Profit 01.09.2018 $8.02
Profit 31.08.2018 $6.02
Profit 29.08.2018 $8.03
Profit 28.08.2018 $6.02
Profit 27.08.2018 $8.03
Profit 25.08.2018 $9.03
Profit 23.08.2018 $8.02
Profit 21.08.2018 $9.09
Profit 20.08.2018 $19.98
Profit 18.08.2018 $8.03
Profit 16.08.2018 $8.02
Profit 14.08.2018 $8.03
Profit 12.08.2018 $8.03
Profit 10.08.2018 $8.02
Profit 08.08.2018 $8.03
Profit 07.08.2018 $12.03
Profit 05.08.2018 $4.01
Profit 04.08.2018 $5.02
Profit 02.08.2018 $8.05
Profit 31.07.2018 $8.03