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Last scams

Last payout: 09.04.2019 SCAM
Doubly screenshot
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9.6 / 390 votes
Our Investment
145 days
Min. / Max.
0.001 btc / -
Payout Ratio
381% in profit
On monitoring
144 days
Project overview

Invest plan: 2.72% - 4.5% daily for 44 - 72 business days and 0.5% for weekends

Referal program: up to 15%

Doubly is an advanced system and successful company in the exciting world of trading crypto currencies. Doubly is using automated and self-learning trading program and aims at bringing high profits, passively and within the shortest possible time.


Payout Ratio: 381% in profit
Profit: $1,522.93 in 133 payouts
Investment: $400.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 20.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 19.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 18.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 17.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 16.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 15.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 14.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 13.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 12.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 11.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 10.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 09.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 08.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 07.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 06.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 05.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 04.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 03.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 02.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 01.01.2019 $10.88
Profit 31.12.2018 $10.88
Profit 30.12.2018 $10.88
Profit 29.12.2018 $10.88
Profit 28.12.2018 $10.88
Profit 27.12.2018 $10.88