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Last scams

Last payout: 13.01.2019 SCAM
EtherLite Mining Ltd screenshot
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8.5 / 17 votes
Our Investment
13 days
Min. / Max.
0.004 btc / 100 btc
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
13 days

Invest plan: 5% - 11% daily, forever (0.20% - 0.45% hourly)

Referal program: 5% - 3% - 2% - 1%

We are a productive team of experts consisting of bodies of several crypto trading and mining different coins.We have a mere persistence to execute our profession the best & to secure the greatest expedient profit for our clients. Our speciality is trading in Crypto markets. We have people with many years of experience in investing in Forex and Crypto markets and we are now essentially weighing on cryptocurrency trading.


Payout Ratio: 60%
Profit: $149.50 in 12 payouts
Investment: $250.00 in 1 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 13.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 12.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 11.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 10.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 09.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 08.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 07.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 06.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 05.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 04.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 03.01.2019 $12.50
Profit 02.01.2019 $12.00
Spend 01.01.2019 $250.00


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