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Last payout: 08.05.2021 SCAM
Strand Capital screenshot
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9.6 / 82 votes
Our Investment
86 days
Min. / Max.
50$ / 100000$
Payout Ratio
158% in profit
On monitoring
85 days

Invest plan: 15% daily for 7 days | 125% - 250% after 4 - 6 days

Referal program: 5% - 3% - 1%

We are an innovative investment platform that allows you to earn up to 250% within 4 days! By using smart contracts technology, our investment scripts and advanced trading techniques, we can guarantee our Partners a large profit without the risk of losing capital.


Payout Ratio: 158% in profit
Profit: $3,162.50 in 73 payouts
Investment: $2,000.00 in 8 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 08.05.2021 $37.50
Profit 07.05.2021 $37.50
Spend 06.05.2021 $250.00
Profit 05.05.2021 $37.50
Profit 04.05.2021 $37.50
Profit 03.05.2021 $37.50
Profit 02.05.2021 $37.50
Profit 01.05.2021 $37.50
Profit 30.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 29.04.2021 $37.50
Spend 28.04.2021 $250.00
Profit 26.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 25.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 24.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 23.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 22.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 21.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 20.04.2021 $37.50
Spend 19.04.2021 $250.00
Profit 18.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 17.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 16.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 15.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 14.04.2021 $37.50
Profit 13.04.2021 $37.50