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Last payout: 08.08.2021 SCAM
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8.8 / 33 votes
Our Investment
28 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 100000$
Payout Ratio
111% in profit
On monitoring
20 days

Invest plan: 0.1% - 4.5% hourly for 24 - 1500 hours

Referal program: 1%

Fxhourly is a profit generating team of forex traders which produce regular profits by utilizing the latest A.I automated trading technology. Our trading bot use a series of expert algorithms which ensures that we consistently make profit with a win ratio of over 99%. Invest now to start earning hourly .


Payout Ratio: 111% in profit
Profit: $2,443.50 in 19 payouts
Investment: $2,200.00 in 11 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 08.08.2021 $91.50
Spend 07.08.2021 $200.00
Profit 07.08.2021 $216.00
Spend 06.08.2021 $200.00
Profit 06.08.2021 $216.00
Spend 05.08.2021 $200.00
Profit 05.08.2021 $216.00
Spend 04.08.2021 $200.00
Profit 04.08.2021 $216.00
Spend 03.08.2021 $200.00
Profit 03.08.2021 $126.00
Profit 02.08.2021 $90.00
Spend 01.08.2021 $200.00
Profit 01.08.2021 $216.00
Spend 31.07.2021 $200.00
Profit 31.07.2021 $26.99
Profit 30.07.2021 $189.01
Spend 29.07.2021 $200.00
Profit 29.07.2021 $35.88
Profit 28.07.2021 $180.12
Spend 27.07.2021 $200.00
Profit 27.07.2021 $101.50
Profit 26.07.2021 $90.50
Spend 25.07.2021 $200.00
Profit 25.07.2021 $8.00