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Last scams

Last payout: 09.01.2022 SCAM
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8.8 / 68 votes
Our Investment
18 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 50000$
Payout Ratio
104% in profit
On monitoring
17 days

Invest plan: 4.584% hourly for 24 hours | 115% - 1200% after 1 - 12 days

Referal program: 6% - 3% - 1%

Our company is one of the largest players in the production of car batteries. Thanks to evolving technology and innovation in the production of electric batteries, we can compete with giants such as Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Samsung and others.


Payout Ratio: 104% in profit
Profit: $5,280.00 in 16 payouts
Investment: $5,100.00 in 17 spends

Type Date Amount
Spend 09.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 09.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 08.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 08.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 07.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 07.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 06.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 06.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 05.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 05.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 04.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 04.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 03.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 03.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 02.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 02.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 01.01.2022 $300.00
Profit 01.01.2022 $330.00
Spend 31.12.2021 $300.00
Profit 31.12.2021 $330.00
Spend 30.12.2021 $300.00
Profit 30.12.2021 $330.00
Spend 29.12.2021 $300.00
Profit 29.12.2021 $330.00
Spend 28.12.2021 $300.00