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Last payout: 02.02.2018 SCAM
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9.8 / 25 votes
Our Investment
68 days
Min. / Max.
5$ / 10000$
Payout Ratio
On monitoring
37 days

Invest plan: 0.33% - 2% daily for 60 - 140 days

Referal program: 10% - 3% - 2%

Our company is a leading specialist in the field of modern investment. To carry out successful activities, we have chosen the most successful and progressive niche – Bitcoins. Millions of businessmen around the world have already managed to evaluate the benefits of this cryptocurrency. Due to the stability and high cost of Bitcoins, we receive daily high profits, providing our investors with a regular income. The basis of our activity is mining and trading Bitcoins, which allows us to ensure a constant inflow of funds. Skillful traders make profitable trades, looking for the best of them. This makes it possible not only to stay in the market but also to win high positions in the rating.


Date Hosts Hits
27.04.2024 2 ↑ 1 2 ↑ 1
05.04.2024 1 1
25.03.2024 1 1
17.03.2024 1 1
24.02.2024 1 1
02.02.2024 1 1
25.11.2023 1 1
03.11.2023 1 1
29.10.2023 1 ↓ 1 1 ↓ 1
20.10.2023 2 ↑ 1 2 ↑ 1
06.10.2023 1 1
04.10.2023 1 1
28.09.2023 1 1
22.09.2023 1 1
16.08.2023 1 1
03.07.2023 1 1
22.05.2023 1 1
09.05.2023 1 1
07.05.2023 1 1
14.01.2023 1 1
06.01.2023 1 1
31.12.2022 1 1
26.12.2022 1 1
22.12.2022 1 1
20.12.2022 1 1
16.12.2022 1 1
09.12.2022 1 1
08.11.2022 1 1
05.11.2022 1 1
24.10.2022 1 1