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Last payout: 19.04.2024 Paying
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9.9 / 555 votes
Our Investment
751 days
Min. / Max.
50$ / -
Payout Ratio
283% in profit
On monitoring
748 days

Invest plan: 0.24% - 0.5% daily for 30 - 365 days

Referal program: 3% - 1%

SafeAssets is a platform where those who are far from crypto investing can make more than experienced investors. Combining the features of a crowd funding and investment platform, SafeAssets offers a high return on investment.


Date Hosts Hits
19.04.2024 5 ↑ 2 5
17.04.2024 3 ↓ 3 5 ↓ 15
16.04.2024 6 ↓ 18 20 ↓ 10
15.04.2024 24 30 ↑ 4
14.04.2024 24 ↑ 4 26 ↑ 4
13.04.2024 20 ↓ 3 22 ↓ 1
12.04.2024 23 ↑ 4 23 ↑ 4
11.04.2024 19 ↓ 1 19 ↓ 5
10.04.2024 20 ↓ 2 24
09.04.2024 22 ↓ 12 24 ↓ 22
08.04.2024 34 ↑ 22 46 ↑ 27
07.04.2024 12 ↓ 1478 19 ↓ 1902
06.04.2024 1490 ↓ 468 1921 ↓ 858
05.04.2024 1958 ↑ 235 2779 ↑ 230
04.04.2024 1723 ↓ 234 2549 ↓ 169
03.04.2024 1957 ↑ 197 2718 ↑ 131
02.04.2024 1760 ↑ 32 2587 ↑ 56
01.04.2024 1728 ↓ 95 2531 ↓ 139
31.03.2024 1823 ↑ 89 2670 ↑ 66
30.03.2024 1734 ↑ 51 2604 ↑ 56
29.03.2024 1683 ↓ 31 2548 ↓ 41
28.03.2024 1714 ↑ 84 2589 ↑ 173
27.03.2024 1630 ↑ 11 2416 ↓ 27
26.03.2024 1619 ↑ 38 2443 ↑ 53
25.03.2024 1581 ↓ 137 2390 ↓ 355
24.03.2024 1718 ↓ 49 2745 ↓ 38
23.03.2024 1767 ↓ 54 2783 ↑ 17
22.03.2024 1821 ↑ 885 2766 ↑ 1287
21.03.2024 936 ↑ 920 1479 ↑ 1453
20.03.2024 16 ↓ 3 26 ↓ 2