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Last scams

Last payout: 23.07.2017 SCAM
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7.0 / 27 votes
Our Investment
16 days
Min. / Max.
10$ / 100000$
Payout Ratio
103% in profit
On monitoring
16 days

Invest plan: 10% - 12% per day, for 15 days

Referal program: 7% - 2% - 1%

Our company uses the most advanced technologies of target trading. What is it? It is not just trading on exchanges, using someone else’s money. That is a much more complex process, including an incessant analysis of the cryptocurrency market, the formation of successful commercial offers for individual customers, monitoring the cost of electricity worldwide to use cloud mining at effective points in time, as well as many other deeper processes that are inextricably connected with the rapidly developing cryptocurrency market.

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