Personal Account



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Last scams

Last payout: 12.06.2018 SCAM
AK47 Capital screenshot
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8.8 / 508 votes
Our Investment
103 days
Min. / Max.
5$ / 1000000$
Payout Ratio
130% in profit
On monitoring
92 days

Invest plan: 4% daily for 50 business days

Referal program: 10%

We are the professional traders who formed a team in 2007 long before the cryptocurrency was found. We were getting our invaluable trading experience on the Forex, but after the cryptocurrency market had appeared we decided to achieve a new level in the sphere of exchange trade.


Payout Ratio: 130% in profit
Profit: $911.00 in 65 payouts
Investment: $700.00 in 2 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 08.05.2018 $14.00
Profit 07.05.2018 $14.00
Profit 04.05.2018 $14.00
Profit 03.05.2018 $14.00
Profit 02.05.2018 $14.00
Profit 01.05.2018 $14.00
Profit 30.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 27.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 26.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 25.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 24.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 23.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 20.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 19.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 18.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 17.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 16.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 13.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 12.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 11.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 10.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 09.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 06.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 05.04.2018 $14.00
Profit 04.04.2018 $14.00