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Last payout: 18.05.2023 SCAM
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9.1 / 224 votes
Our Investment
652 days
Min. / Max.
100$ / -100000$
Payout Ratio
235% in profit
On monitoring
619 days
Project overview

Invest plan: 0.5% - 1.2% daiy unitl 200% - 220% ROI

Referal program: 5%

Infinity Bet is closed community for investors which has been specializing in betting, sports prediction, and sports arbitrage for 7 years. Specialists team is formed of over 20 professionals, who use the most effective strategies for making money on sports betting.


Payout Ratio: 235% in profit
Profit: $2,114.22 in 97 payouts
Investment: $900.00 in 2 spends

Type Date Amount
Profit 09.08.2022 $21.53
Profit 01.08.2022 $20.11
Profit 24.07.2022 $26.45
Profit 18.07.2022 $24.00
Profit 13.07.2022 $22.32
Profit 08.07.2022 $24.72
Profit 03.07.2022 $25.23
Profit 25.06.2022 $20.36
Profit 18.06.2022 $20.43
Profit 08.06.2022 $22.68
Profit 02.06.2022 $22.65
Spend 02.06.2022 $500.00
Profit 27.05.2022 $22.95
Profit 18.05.2022 $22.95
Profit 07.05.2022 $27.17
Profit 02.05.2022 $20.32
Profit 24.04.2022 $21.42
Profit 18.04.2022 $22.09
Profit 09.04.2022 $22.18
Profit 03.04.2022 $21.75
Profit 22.03.2022 $24.22
Profit 18.03.2022 $22.73
Profit 09.03.2022 $20.25
Profit 03.03.2022 $21.23
Profit 25.02.2022 $28.80